
[Read] my happiness-i beleive that the only time ive ever been truly,nd purely happy is when am fast asleep,,inventing my own private this place its just laughs nd smiles.sadness has no entry here.infact,its beaten senless,outside the this place,i am me.i do and say all the things that make me feel lovely inside,here i couldnt careless about the senseless whisper of the oppressor,here my nose is so high in the air that i just cnt be bothered,minding those arogant fools who beleive that they 11/18/2011

[Read] romance tip no.1-people should stop stressing the roles of boyfriend nd grl friend.when you love sum1,of course your gona wana cum on strong.u wana show u love-but instead of always blowing a problem out of proportion,jus bcuz u feel let dwn nd dissapointed or even betrayed.stop being fucking selfish nd think about the other person involved in the TWO WAY rel.ship,think of the 1 u love,the better half of u,think about who made the mistake,find out y that mistake was made nd if a solution can be found. 10/11/2011

[Read] my life 4/27/2007

[Read] confused 1/17/2007
