
Date: 11/18/2011

my happiness-i beleive that the only time ive ever been truly,nd purely happy is when am fast asleep,,inventing my own private this place its just laughs nd smiles.sadness has no entry here.infact,its beaten senless,outside the this place,i am me.i do and say all the things that make me feel lovely inside,here i couldnt careless about the senseless whisper of the oppressor,here my nose is so high in the air that i just cnt be bothered,minding those arogant fools who beleive that they

can make me less of a woman with thier scorns nd the city lights nd night air never ceases.candle lights twinkling in trees all around.the temperature is never too hot or too cold.nd love,love is found on trees,in the shape of chocolate,pink hearts.the most true,honest trustworthy love is right at your fingertips.nd there is no need to worry about gettin rejected,hurt,cheated on,abused nd have your heart ripped out your chest nd stomped to pieces with an elephant foot.and then-I awake:-(
