
Date: 10/11/2011

romance tip no.1-people should stop stressing the roles of boyfriend nd grl friend.when you love sum1,of course your gona wana cum on strong.u wana show u love-but instead of always blowing a problem out of proportion,jus bcuz u feel let dwn nd dissapointed or even betrayed.stop being fucking selfish nd think about the other person involved in the TWO WAY rel.ship,think of the 1 u love,the better half of u,think about who made the mistake,find out y that mistake was made nd if a solution can be found.

romance tip no.2-u kids now a days who think ur adults nd think u knw LOVE so is sum advice.stop acting desperate,the world wnt end if u waited until 30yrs old to find ur true love nd get body said u cnt fall in love tho,nd have ur self the time of your life,with all those mr.wrongs or mrs.wrongs.they will gve u experience,as to knw who u R,where u stand,what characteristics u can handle,nd what u cnt stand.when its time to let go,u just have2.its hard,its painful.but it wil be ok...

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